Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Don't be stupid

Our headline on the website is now "don't be stupid". Trust me we are not in the habit of insulting our customers or would be customers but come on what more information can we give to let you know we don't recommend open fires.

The facts are
1.More heat from your fuel.
2.Use less fuel.
3.Stop heat loss up the chimney when not in use.
4.No sparks jumping out on the floor as the door stays closed.
5.Cleaner to use taking ashs out in the tray provided.
6.Better for the environment as less smoke created and burns cleaner.

Yet a lot of people still persist in saying "oh I love the look of my open fire" fair enough but you still see the fire through the glass. Others come up with a multitude of excuses for not getting one and we will never be able to convince them otherwise. But for you dear reader will you still leave that gapeing 8 inch hole in your living room sucking the heat from your house or will you do something about it?

Bottom line don't take our word for it we have a picture wall in our showroom showing loads of pictures of fireplaces we have converted or brand new installations we have done from scratch like the one pictured below. There is proabably someone near you who can vouch for what these stoves do. Call in and we can show you.